Professional Recording Services for Universities by tele-TASK and nanoStream

Using the nanoStream Windows SDK, tele-TASK provides universities worldwide with a complete distance learning solution in a suitcase. tele-TASK is a portable recording system for the university environment, built at the Hasso Plattner Institute for IT Systems Engineering in Potsdam, Germany.


The recording workflow with tele-TASK and the nanoStream software.

tele-TASK’s system covers encoding, streaming, and playback of university lectures and events, powered by nanoStream technology. To start recording an academic presentation, the tele-TASK “suitcase” is simply connected to the presentation computer and the projector. No previous installation of software on the presenter’s computer is necessary. The setup is easy, but offers high-quality streaming for educational institutions.

The tele-TASK encoding “suitcase”

The encoding system allows a simultaneous recording of the presenter’s video, the presentation slides, and the audio. These are saved in two separate tracks, to enable individual editing and playback of the presenter’s video and the slides.

Editing is possible directly at the encoding side, or with the tele-TASK post-production software for Windows. Presentations can be broken up into chapters, and editors add manuscripts, links, and tags. The software is developed to work with all presentation systems and platforms. Not only can it capture and share videos, Powerpoint presentations, and live demonstrations, but it also detects keywords in spoken and written texts.

The tele-TASK video player is optimized for mobile devices and allows easy switching on the player side between the presenter video and presentation slides. Viewers can easily place markers and add notes during the playback of the video for a thorough learning experience. The videos can also be integrated into video podcasts, accessible through iTunes U, and Moodle, through the tele-TASK Moodle Plug-in. The recordings done at HPI are accessible here.

tele-TASK in numbers:
6,000 E-Lectures
22,000 Podcasts
2,300 Lecturers
480 Collections

Find out more about the use of nanoStream live streaming products in distance learning and educational environments!